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Author: Donald Hastie

HR Hiring Insights: How to Spend Less Time on Finding the Perfect Candidates?

Hiring managers on the prowl, for candidates that make them howl,Contingent labour in full swing, to the workforce, a new zing,Streamlining the process so fine, a talent pipeline that’s divine.
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3 Critical Mistakes All Hiring Managers Make When Looking to Fill-in Vacancies (And How to Fix Them)

As a hiring manager, it’s essential for you to find the right talent at the right time to fill vacancies in your organisation. Unfortunately, many hiring managers make critical mistakes
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Tapping into the Hidden Workforce: How AI-Driven Vendor Management Systems Address Post-Covid Skill Shortages

As the world continues to grapple with the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, many industries are facing significant skill shortages. The job market has been severely impacted, with numerous skilled
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The Rise of Casualization: Understanding Its Impact and Harnessing the Power of AI-Driven Vendor Management Systems

Introduction:The casualization of the workforce has been a growing trend in recent years, particularly in Western countries. Factors contributing to this increase include technological advancements, economic shifts, and changing attitudes
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Everyone Wins: Employers and Agents Benefit from a Quality Vendor Management System Post-COVID

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, many businesses have been forced to adopt remote work and virtual operations. This has resulted in an increased reliance on third-party vendors to
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